Ours is a responsible business when it comes to the Health of our Staff, our Clients and the Public.
During this current period of unease, we are following the Ministry of Health recommendations as a minimum, with regard to this particular event.
Our Staff will:
- Have access to and will use hand sanitiser before starting work at any property. Alternatively, where it is available, they will wash their hands for a minimum of 20 seconds with SOAP and (preferably) warm water.
- Greet you with non-contact methods – saying “Hello” or other verbal message, or non- contact hand signal (wave) and will not shake hands, please do not be offended.
- Maintain appropriate social distancing – they will position themselves at least 2.0 m from other people in still weather conditions, once again please do not be offended.
- If they sneeze or cough this will be into a disposable tissue (to be correctly disposed of) or their elbow followed by appropriate hand hygiene.
- Have access to standard PPE protective gear should it be required depending on site conditions with disposable gloves, overalls and P2 breathing masks as a minimum.
- Be upfront about their state of health, informing our management team should they become unwell and following their instructions accordingly.
Our Company has invoked its Pandemic Operational Plan, which means:
- We will maintain Social distancing as a minimum between our administration staff and field staff, to ensure there is limited potential transference between these two components of the company ensuring we can deliver our services to you as consistently as possible.
- Our drivers and administration team members themselves will operate from different offices (1 person / office space) and vehicles (1 person per vehicle) again to reinforce business continuity.
- Staff are trained for a cross section of our business operations extending our capabilities should any staff member be required to self-isolate.
- Keypads (phones, computer keyboards / touch screens, mice, technical instruments etc) and other surfaces frequently used by a variety of staff will be sanitised after each individuals use has finished with alcohol wipes. All keypads are to be wiped down with alcohol based sanitary fluid / wipes at the end of each day.
- Our business is cloud based enabling us to operate from any location with internet connectivity.
- If, returning from overseas will abide by the standard current 14 days self-isolation from home and the controls required up until the Government changes the controls.
- Management reserves the right to ask staff to not attended work if they present with significant symptoms of unwellness.
We would expect our Clients to:
- Inform us if a member of their family or staff is unwell and advise them to maintain social distancing as a minimum.
- Provide where practical, access for our staff to be able to wash effectively while on your site.
- Appreciate and understand the lengths we are going to, in contributing towards community health
In order to maintain a community as free from disease as possible, we all need to work together, we would appreciate you taking the time to read and understand these controls and we should all continue to enjoy business together.
Any Concerning Symptoms:
Ph. Healthline
0800 358 5453.
The Government Helpline 0800779997.
For any further information on the current pandemic refer to the Covid-19 site:
NZ Ministry of Health (MOH) site
(Please note these conditions are subject to change depending on directions from the NZ MOH, Civil Defence or other applicable regulatory authority with responsibility for control of this event.)